Monday, February 5, 2024


It may not look like much but this is where my wings will be built. This is my sailplanewerks. That’s a piece of solid door cut down to 12” x 48” with a ceiling tile top. 

It’s flat. 

And it’s in a room that I can rest assured that glued up things can dry without fuss.

Right now I’m focused on F3L. So a two meter wing, this size board can handle. I’ve got room for next things but this is my focus and I’m doing good to have this.

My first sailplane was literally built on a cardboard table. Just married and starting out, we had a one bedroom apartment and spartan furnishings. Built on a ceiling tile, that Gentle Lady came out fine. When it was time to eat, the tile went on the bed, clear the table, back on the table. Finally ending up in a house, I build on my kitchen table again and tile moved to the extra room. Moved again, I had a two car garage with a bench I built! 

I finally had a bench!

20 years later, I am in a nice home but no garage, I have a extra room. I have a desk that I can build on and I will but my wings will be built on this table. It’s solid and it’s heavy. Flat and dedicated to building sailplane wings.

My HLG will be delayed a little, the Yellow Jacket taking priority. I want to fly, I want to gaggle, I want to contest!

Quick story about “sailplanewerks.” I was reading about the Horton Brothers and their flying wings, Alexander Lippish, the Treaty of Versailles and the development of gliding at the Wasserkuppe. I was reading a lot of German pre wermacht “werks” and scribbled sailplanewerks on the folded down top of a brown paper grocery bag that I was using to throw away bits of balsa and paper towel clean up. That paper bag lasted so long and that lettered sailplanewerks just imprinted itself on me. So this is my place where I make my wings. 

Time to land the plane.

Super excited!

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